Call Us Now! 646-384-1586

Fast Response Form

For your free, confidential consultation,
complete the form below:
First Name
Last Name
Contact Number
Email Address

When facing foreclosure, time is of the essence!

Having a property behind on payments is scary and emotionally draining. Sometimes you don’t even want to answer the phone because you’re afraid it’s the bank calling – again…

The best way to deal with this type of problem is to face it head on and TAKE ACTION. We help good people in tough situations. There is nothing to be self conscious about. Let us help you get this burden off your shoulders.


Are You Facing Foreclosure?

We can help!  We can help you stop foreclosure.

  • Are you upside down in your property and owe more in loans that it will sell for?
  • Have you been turned down for a loan modification?
  • Have you tried to obtain funds to bring your loan current without success?
  • Are you worried about having a foreclosure on your credit report for the next 10 years?
  • Has the bank already scheduled a foreclosure date?

The time to act is NOW.  These problems will not go away on their own.
Discover the light at the end of the tunnel by calling us today.  We'll
show you that it is possible to avoid foreclosure, regardless of your
situation.  For your free, no cost, stop foreclosure consultation, click
the button below:

Call 646-384-1586.

The information you provide on this form will remain strictly confidential.

  Tell us about you...
Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
E-mail Address:
Mobile Number:
Work Number:
Home Number:
Best Time To Call:
  Tell us about your property...
Property type:
Commercial   Residential   
Residential property style:
Property Street Address:
Property City:
Property State
Property Zip:
The Property is Currently Occupied by:
No. of Bedrooms
No. of Bathrooms
Square Footage
If we can buy it in 30 days, what is the least you would be willing to take for your house?
  Tell us about the numbers...
How much is the house appraised for?
1st Mortgage balance?
1st Mortgage payment amount?
Balance of 2nd Mortgage or HELOC
2nd Mortgage HELOC payment?
How far behind are you on monthly payments?
  If payments are not current, how far behind are they...
Have you received a foreclosure notice?
Yes    No
Has a foreclosure sale date been set?
Yes    No
Sale Date:
  Just a couple more questions...
Is you property currently listed with a real estate agent or broker?
Yes    No
If property is listed when does your listing expire?
Are you currently in bankruptcy?
Yes    No
How did you hear about us?
Please provide any further comments that you feel are important in the text box.

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